Emerging Tech Weekender & Digital Oxford

I spent this past weekend in Oxford Brookes participating in the Emerging Tech Weekender organised by Digital Oxford

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This weekend hosted the final event of @JSOxford's Summer of Hacks - NodeBots.

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Achieving 100 Google points

Recently I have re-built my blog (hence the new life that has sprouted), not that you can tell. I spent a portion of last week moving away from Ghost to using Jekyll. With this I took the opportunity to improve the performance by utilizing Grunt as part of the build workflow. This allowed me to achieve a 100/100 rating on Google PageSpeed Insights.

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Conway's Game of Life

As I mentioned previously, last week at the JSOxford Code Retreat we spent a lot of time (all the time) developing Conway's Game of Life in various ways. As the code retreat was focusing on different coding methods and perfecting code rather than producing something that works I never got a fully working version. So last night I sat down and got to it!

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JSOxford Code Retreat - or how to use an Apple keyboard

Last Sunday I went to a Code Retreat hosted by JSOxford. This was a full day event of coding, split into four sections all based around Conway's Game of Life.

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