Quick & easy offline support

Adding offline support to your site is easier than ever these days thanks to service workers.

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Create your own mini call center with Twilio

Have you ever wanted to run your own call center, but, like, a really small one? No? OK, do you know of any small groups of people that could benefit from all being contactable with a single number? Imagine a conference or meetup with a phone number you can call to report code of conduct violations that will put you through to the first available organiser.

I'm going to show you how you can do this with the help of Twilio and a small Node.js application.

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Hackathonarama 2: The spirit of the hack

This past weekend I have attended Hackference for the second year running. Just like last year it was a 1 day conference followed by a 24 hour hackathon, and just like last year I've learnt a lot I'd like to share.

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Building a Pokemon Go clone

Last Saturday was @JSOxford's second Summer of Hacks 2016 event - Game Dev Day. The whole day was amazing. There was a great turnout and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. Many great things were built! My plan for the day? To make a Pokémon Go clone using web technologies!

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My Adventures in SVG-land

A few months back a little GitHub repo by @benfoxall caught my eye. Little did I know it'd lead me through a rabbit hole of fascination in SVG animation.

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