Getters and Setters in JavaScript

I was recently asked by Ruth to explain what the purpose of getters and setters are in JavaScript and how to use them. This led to me somewhat ramble about all I know on the subject in the JSOxford channel of the Digital Oxford Slack. People seemed to find what I said useful so I thought it best to write a more coherent version.

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My Journey of DevOps Discovery

I'm going to take you on a journey. This is the journey of my career thus far and the discoveries that have made dealing with DevOps more pleasant.

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Hackathonarama 3: with great power comes great hacks

For the third year running I attended Hackference again. Once again, a 1 day conference followed by a 24 hour hackathon and as always a really great weekend.

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Simple sharing

The line between the web and native applications is becoming more and more blurred. One of the latest goodies to land in browsers that gives our users a consistent, seamless experience is the Web Share API currently only available in Chrome.

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Quick & easy offline support

Adding offline support to your site is easier than ever these days thanks to service workers.

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